Why a revival? Our Presiding Bishop Michael Curry has argued that the Episcopal Church needs to rediscover evangelism and renewal. The Christian life consists not only of repeated patterns like the seasons of the church year but also of mountain-top experiences–moments of encounter with the Lord that can become turning points.
The Red Bank Revival is scheduled for the weekend of October 19th-21st. Our guest speaker will be the Rev. Dr. Leander Harding, Dean of Albany Cathedral. Friday and Saturday evenings will feature a complimentary dinner followed by music and a presentation by Dean Harding. There will be an engaging children’s program for children younger than confirmation age (teens are invited and encouraged to hear Dean Harding’s presentation).
Schedule of Events:
Friday – Dinner, Music, and Talk – 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm
Saturday – Dinner, Music, and Talk – 5:30 pm – 7:30 pm
Sunday – Combined Service at 9:00 am with Potluck following
Please let us know you are coming by filling out the following registration form:
If you need any other information, please call the office at (732) 741-4581.
About the Rev. Dr. Leander S. Harding
Ordained for nearly 37 years, Dean Harding has had a remarkable vocation in the church. He was first ordained as a bi-vocational priest in the Maine where he worked with his wife Claudia as a shepherd. He completed a Ph.D. at Boston College that focused on the intersection of child psychology and faith formation. His dissertation was later published as Reverence for the Heart of the Child. He served for 16 years at St. John’s Episcopal Church in Stamford, Connecticut. In 2007 he received a call to become professor of Pastoral Theology at Trinity School for Ministry. Among other leadership roles, he served as Dean of Seminary Advancement, a position in which he promoted the relationship of the seminary with the wider church. In 2013, feeling the tug of pastoral ministry, he returned to a congregational setting in a small church in Catskill, New York before getting a call to become dean of the cathedral in Albany. He and his wife, Claudia, have three grown sons, Leander, Edgar and Martin. He is the author of four books including In the Breaking of the Bread, a devotional commentary on the Episcopal service of the Eucharist. He is also a frequent contributor to the Living Church and its weblog Covenant.

Fr. Lock is Rector at Trinity Church.