St. Agnes Altar Guild

The Altar Guild is made up of members of the parish who are confirmed Episcopalians. They prepare the altar and sanctuary for Services of Holy Communion and other Services of the parish. The adornment and right-ordering of the sanctuary is their ministry. They are also responsible for the care and maintenance of the appointments of the altar, including candles, sacred vessels, altar linens, and clerical vestments. They also maintain the inventories of the bread and wine for Holy Communion. This is a rewarding ministry of reverence and dedication.


Ushers serve at all the services of the Church. They are first to welcome members and visitors to church. They hand out the Sunday bulletins and take up the offering and assist at the time of Communion, but more importantly, they provide assistance wherever it is needed, and they are trained to respond to emergencies if need be. This is an important ministry of service and hospitality.


The purpose of the Acolyte ministry is to assist the Clergy in conducting the worship services of the church. Acolytes contribute to the beauty and dignity of traditional Anglican worship, and in doing so, they them-selves grow in devotion and reverence and service to God. This is a wonderful ministry which is open to anyone in the parish aged 10 or older.


Greeters function after the services. They engage members leaving church or proceeding to the coffee hour. With visitors they provide welcome, an invitation to coffee hour, information about our parish, and if possible, introductions to members at the coffee hour. This is an important outreach ministry.


The Trinity Choir is a welcoming and dedicated mixed Soprano-Alto-Tenor-Bass (SATB) ensemble of volunteer and professional voices. They sing an eclectic mix of a cappella and accompanied works from all historical periods, including music of the English and American Episcopalian traditions. The choir sings for the 10:15 am choral service of Holy Communion every Sunday. The only requirements are a love of singing and a willingness to join. See the Choir page for more information.

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