By order or Bishop Stokes, all public services in the diocese of New Jersey have been shuttered until Holy Week (April 5th) at which time an evaluation will be made about resuming them or continuing the suspension. In the meanwhile we encourage to make use of the following resources.
Live-stream on Facebook at 8:00 & 10:15–the first part of the Communion service with prayers, the Gospel for the day, a sermon, and some concluding intercessions. You do not have to be a registered member of Facebook to access them because they are posted on the public page of Trinity. Any one on the internet can view them. Simply search for “Facebook Trinity Red Bank” in Google or any search engine and it will bring up our public Facebook page.
On Sundays @ 9:10 Live-streaming from the church. Fr. Lock will read a children’s version of the Gospel for the Day. We’ll also review our memory verse (The First Song of Isaiah) and go over the saint for the day following our Sunday School curriculum. The curriculum tells the story of a saint and gives some sample questions to have a conversation about that figure. Families are encouraged to read this together and talk about it. If you wish to receive the curriculum please email [email protected].
Fr. Lock is doing daily devotions on Facebook streaming at 8:30 A.M. and 4:00 P.M. The approximate 10 minute live-cast consists of a Bible reading and a few prayers, and is designed to be positive and uplighting in this time of fear and anxiety. You don’t have to be a registered user to view. If you are a registered user you can comment, and registered Facebook users are encouraged to share thoughts, questions, or prayer requests.
If you are Facebook user, please join Trinity’s Private Facebook group. In contrast to our public Facebook page, only the members of this group can view what’s posted. It is intended to be a sort of virtual coffee hour especially in this time where we won’t be able to communicate face to face. Anyone is a part of the Private Facebook Group can post, and we’re hoping we can share updates on our families and any community needs that might arise. If you’d like to join please send a message to Anna Barfield, Candy Pellechio, or Fr. Lock.
If you have urgent need to talk to Fr. Lock you can call the church and follow the prompt for pastoral emergencies. The number will connect you directly with his cell phone. The office number is 732-741-4581.

Fr. Lock is Rector at Trinity Church.