Dear Trinity Parishioners,
We would like to welcome you back to Trinity Red Bank on Sunday, July 12th 2020, at 9:00 am!
What a journey this has been for all of us. We are all eager to return to our beloved church family and, at the same time, we will need to get used to some changes that will likely evolve over the weeks and months ahead.
In order to resume services at Trinity, we must adhere to the guidelines issued by the diocese and conform to the requirements of our state and local governments for gatherings of worship. To start, we will observe our summer schedule with one (1) combined 9:00 am service of Holy Communion. Fortunately, this helps us comply with guidelines by providing adequate time to sanitize between services.
Additional requirements of the diocese follow. Please read the below carefully and if you have any questions, please call the church office or any Vestry member.
- Currently we are restricted to a maximum of 50 parishioners.
- Beginning with the 7/19 service, we will use a reservation system that will be sent out via email or you may register by a calling the church office by noon on Friday. We will practice a first come, first serve system. This registration process will also allow us to satisfy contract tracing requirements.
- Confirmed registrants need to arrive by 9:00 am to ensure seating. If needed, walk-ins will be seated after 9:00 am.
- Walk-ins will be seated first come first serve, only if there is seating capacity available.
- We will continue to stream the summer service on Facebook at 9am for those who are unable to attend worship due to space limitations or who are uncomfortable attending in person at this time.
- You should not come to the service if you are experiencing any symptoms related to covid-19 – cough, sore throat, fever, etc. If you do cough or sneeze in the service, you should do that into a tissue and throw out the tissue and cleanse your hands immediately.
- When you come to Trinity you are asked to:
- Wear a mask. This is required of all congregants (Currently those under the age of 2 are exempt from wearing a mask)
- Bring your own personal bottle of hand sanitizer, if possible.
- When you arrive, you should use the hand sanitizer that you brought, or apply hand sanitizer from the bottle provided at the entrance and be wearing a mask.
- You will notice that the pews are marked out for where you can sit. You must be practicing social distancing except with members of your own household. Ushers and Vestry members will be there to assist you.
- All books have been removed from the pews. Parish missals will be available to follow the service. We ask that you take one as you enter, take it home, and bring it with you whenever you come to worship. Bulletins with the readings and safety guidelines will be laid in the pews ahead of service.
- There will be no singing at the service at this time.
- The sharing of the Peace of Christ will be done standing in place. Shaking hands (or any contact) should be avoided except if you have come with someone from your household or as a couple.
- As you move around the church please follow the noted directions (on the floor or signs) and listen for instructions.
- Communion is in one kind only – the consecrated bread, there will be no sharing of the cup. Anglican teaching has always been that, although it is preferable to receive in both kinds, a person receives the fullness of Christ in either the host or the cup.
- During Communion, households will be invited to come forward together and stand at the altar rail (no kneeling). Once those standing at the entire length of the altar rail have been given Communion (i.e. two households), they will move to their left and return to their pews. Individuals and families are asked to be very careful maintaining social distance as they make their Communion. The floor will be clearly marked to help ensure this.
- Father will cleanse his hands with alcohol before preparing the altar. During the celebration of Holy Communion, the breads will remain covered, except for the priest’s host and the cup, which only the priest will receive. Just before administering communion the priest will again wash his hands with alcohol and will put on a face mask to administer. He will not touch people’s hands with his hand, only with the host.
- Per diocese guidelines, it is requested that parishioners leave the church immediately following service, without shaking hands and always keeping 6 feet from each other.
- The guidelines also advise us not to gather on church property at this time. We recognize this will be difficult as we wish to connect with our special church family.
We look forward to having you with us in church to once again celebrate the holy mysteries!
In the love of our risen Lord,
Candy Pellechio
Warden, on behalf of the Reopening Committee
Seating Chart for Social Distancing:

Fr. Lock is Rector at Trinity Church.