It has been a long pandemic and we are all pleased to see our communities reopening. At Trinity we continue to get updates and amended protocols from the Diocese regarding reopening. Over the month of May we have added Hymnals, Bibles and Prayer Books to the pews, resumed mid-week services and begun congregational singing.
Based on new Diocesan reopening guidelines published this week, we are making the following changes:
Mask Wearing (begins Sunday, May 30)
- Fully vaccinated individuals are not required to wear masks, indoors or out, on church premises. However, they are also welcome to continue wearing masks at any time.
- Any individual who is not fully vaccinated is recommended to continue to wear a mask for his or her own safety and that of others who are also unvaccinated.
Registration and Contact Tracing (Begins June 1)
- Registration for service will no longer be required beginning June 1.
- Contact tracing for services will be discontinued beginning June 1.
Worship Service
- Communion shall continue to be offered in one kind only.
- Parishioners may kneel at the altar rail for Communion beginning Sunday, May 30.
- Regular washing or sanitizing of hands will continue for those who prepare the altar for worship, and those who lead worship and offer the sacraments for the church.
- Sanitizer stations will remain in place and the congregation is encouraged to continue utilizing them.
- Ushers will continue to direct the congregational flow for Communion.
- Streaming service online will continue.
- If you have tested positive and /or been diagnosed with COVID, we ask you please notify the church office as soon as possible.
- If you do not feel well, or have any symptoms of a cold, please refrain from worshiping in person and kindly join us online.
As I talk with many of you, I hear a common theme that we all miss the joy of worshiping together and our fellowship as a Christian community. We look forward to seeing everyone return to regular in-person worship and fellowship.
Candy Pellechio

Fr. Lock is Rector at Trinity Church.