
Last year, the food, music and libations had a lot of people feeling that they were in a traditional Bavarian hall.  So again this year, there will be savory aromas coming from the Trinity kitchen as we celebrate Oktoberfest on Saturday, October 15 starting at 6:30 PM.  We will have

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The First Authorized Version

Even more than the Book of Common Prayer, no other book in the Anglican tradition has shaped the faith and culture of England and the rest of the Anglophone world more than the King James Version of the Bible. It remains to this day, even with dozens of new competing versions,

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Incense and the Gospel

We typically use incense during the Holy Communion service on the first Sunday of each month and, generally speaking, for the important feasts of the year. Why do we do that? In this post, I want to look at the scriptural context for incense. Incense is first and foremost a

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God and Nothing Else

“He who has God and everything else has no more than he who has God only.”― C.S. Lewis, The Weight of Glory Kyle WilliamsKyle Williams is a graduate student and a member of Trinity Church.

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Vacation Bible School

Vacation Bible School is right around the corner! August 15 – 19 from 9 am till 12 noon. Make plans to join us for a fun-filled week. More information on registration will be coming soon! Kyle WilliamsKyle Williams is a graduate student and a member of Trinity Church.

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Summer Service Schedule

Starting Sunday, June 19, Trinity Church began its seasonal summer schedule. There will have one service at 9:00 am on Sunday. There is no Sunday School during the summer months. Nursery will be available from 8:45 am til 11:00 am. Fall schedule resumes on September 18. Kyle WilliamsKyle Williams is

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Fourth Sunday after Pentecost

Then they found the man, out of whom the devils were departed, sitting at the feet of Jesus, clothed, and in his right mind: and they were afraid. (From the Gospel reading) This morning’s Gospel is one of the most strange accounts in all of the Gospels. It’s also one

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