Ash Wednesday and Lent

LENT EVENTS Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper Tuesday, February 25 at 5:30 pm Ash Wednesday Wednesday, February 26 12:00 noon and 7:00 pm Service of Holy Communion with Imposition of Ashes Stations of the Cross Fridays at noon starting on February 28 Lenten Fellowship, Pot Luck Dinner and Bible Study Tuesdays

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Christmas 2019

Please join us for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day services: Christmas Eve, 4:30pm, Children’s Pageant & Holy Communion Christmas Eve, 10:00pm, Vigil Mass with Choir Christmas Day, 10:00am, Holy Communion with hymns Also please consider celebrating all twelve days of the Christmas season with these other services: Thursday, December 26,

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Pet Blessing

On Saturday, September 28 Trinity will be hosting a blessing of the animals in celebration of the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi. Rain date is October 5. We are asking for donations of pet food, toys, Heartguard, gift cards to donate to Home Free Animal Rescue and to put

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Summer Teen Mission Trip

Our teens and young people had an amazing week as we traveled to Aliquippa (near Pittsburgh) for the annual summer mission trip. We had eleven participants with several new folks attending this year. While there, we did some minor carpentry work, painting, and cement patching among other things. The most

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Small Groups

Following on our fall Revival’s message of developing a heart for Christ and growing our faith together as a community, Trinity’s small groups will begin meeting the week of January 6, 2019 and continue for 4 weeks with a DVD-based study. Our small groups will be based on the “Max

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Time & Talent 2019

Stewardship time for Trinity is upon us and, like our response to God’s grace, is a deeply personal topic. God’s call to trust Him ties directly to how we act out that faith in our church and larger community, in our stewardship to Christ. We have more daily choices in

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Red Bank Revival @ Trinity Church

Why a revival? Our Presiding Bishop Michael Curry has argued that the Episcopal Church needs to rediscover evangelism and renewal. The Christian life consists not only of repeated patterns like the seasons of the church year but also of mountain-top experiences–moments of encounter with the Lord that can become turning

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Trinity Summer Teen Trip 2018

For the third  year in a row, a group of teens and young people from Trinity went to Aliquippa, Pennsylvania, where they served the people of a local neighborhood by doing some simple repairs and home improvements. In everything, we endeavored to spread the love of Christ. Below is a

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