
Christian education is at the center of a mature and vibrant Christian faith. At Trinity Episcopal Church we offer a wide variety of educational opportunities for all age groups.

Pre-K & Elementary School

Beginning with children in Pre-K, our Sunday School program focuses on learning the stories of the Bible. The children are encouraged in the youngest grades to memorize the Lord’s Prayer, and then later, the Apostles’ Creed and the Ten Commandments.

Middle School

In Middle School, our young people are encouraged to deepen their understanding of the faith through an introduction of the 39 Articles and the prayer book. Fr. Lock teaches a semester long confirmation class for young people, focused on the idea that the Bible tells one unified story of God’s plan of salvation in Jesus Christ.

High School

In high school, our youth program focuses on becoming active disciples of Jesus Christ. Opportunities include a weekly Sunday morning discussion group, social events, special outreach projects, and a yearly mission trip.

Adult Education

Adult education is an area of special emphasis at Trinity, as we strive to grow in our understanding of the Scriptures and become more faithful disciples of Jesus Christ. The Sunday adult forum is either a Bible study or a special study. Past studies have been on the history of the Book of Common Prayer and a Bible 101 class. Fr. Lock also teaches a Bible study on Wednesday nights. No prior knowledge is required for any of these offerings.

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