Weekends in the Church
Sunday (September to May)
8:00 am Holy Communion (said service with hymns)
9:10 am Sunday School for children and adults
10:15 am Holy Communion with choir (nursery care available from 9:00 – 11:30 am)
Sunday (Summer Schedule)
9:00 am Holy Communion (sung service with hymns)
Weekdays in the Chapel
8:30 am Morning Prayer
8:30 am Morning Prayer
10:00 am Holy Communion with prayers for healing
8:30 am Morning Prayer
8:30 am Morning Prayer
Feast Day Services of Holy Communion, as announced
Our identity as a Christian community is rooted in our corporate prayers and the worship of Almighty God. In our Sunday services of Holy Communion, the first part of the service consists of the Word of God preached: several lessons from Holy Scripture are read, followed by a sermon which proclaims the love, mercy and new life we have in Jesus Christ. In the second part of that service, we are reminded again of these truths in receiving the Sacrament of his Body and Blood and hearing the words, “take and eat this in remembrance that Christ died for thee.”
In our worship we strive to carry on our Anglican heritage. Our Sunday services are from Rite 1 of the 1979 Book of Common Prayer and are printed for convenience in a spiral-bound Parish Missal. The style of worship is informed by the high church tradition of Anglicanism. Much of the wording of the Parish Missal has as its origin in the traditional Book of Common Prayer, which will be immediately recognizable to those who grew up with the 1928 Book of Common Prayer.
The theology of our worship and proclamation is informed by the belief that the Bible “contains all things necessary to salvation.” As traditional Anglicans, we hold as normative the documents of the church that have summarized the central teachings of the Bible, especially the three Ecumenical Creeds, the 39 Articles of Religion, and the Book of Common Prayer.