Christmas 2017

Please join us for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day services: Christmas Eve, 4:30pm, Children’s Pageant & Holy Communion Christmas Eve, 10:00pm, Vigil Mass with Choir Christmas Day, 10:00am, Holy Communion with hymns Also please consider celebrating all twelve days of the Christmas season with these other services: Tuesday, December 26,

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Teen Summer Mission Trip 2017

For the second year in a row, a group of teens and young people from Trinity went to Aliquippa, Pennsylvania, where they served the people of a local neighborhood, conducted a mini Vacation Bible School, and tried to spread the love of Christ. Below is a slideshow created by our

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Lenten Activities

LENT EVENTS Shrove Tuesday Pancake SupperTuesday, February 28 at 5:30 pm Ash WednesdayWednesday, March 1 12:00 noon and 7:00 pmService of Holy Communion with Imposition of AshesChild Care available at noon. Stations of the CrossFridays at noon starting on March 10 Lenten Fellowship, Pot Luck Dinner and Bible StudyTuesdays from

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Christmas Services

Please join us for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day services: Christmas Eve, 4:30pm, Children’s Pageant & Holy Communion Christmas Eve, 10:00pm, Vigil Mass with Choir Christmas Day, 10:00am, Holy Communion with hymns Also please consider celebrating all twelve days of the Christmas season with these other services: Wednesday, December 26,

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Last year, the food, music and libations had a lot of people feeling that they were in a traditional Bavarian hall.  So again this year, there will be savory aromas coming from the Trinity kitchen as we celebrate Oktoberfest on Saturday, October 15 starting at 6:30 PM.  We will have

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The Choir this a.m.

Trinity’s choir this morning sang Psalm 91 using Anglican Chant composed by H. Walford Davies and edited by the late John Scott sometime organist at St. Paul’s Cathedral in London and St. Thomas, Fifth Avenue.

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Rectory open house

On Saturday we had an open house and fall program kick-off on Saturday, September 17th from 1-4 at the parish rectory in Little Silver. There was food, drink, and activities for the children, including the bounce house! It was good time of fellowship for members of the parish as we

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Vacation Bible School 2016

We had a successful Vacation Bible School led by Rebecca DeLucia along with a great team of volunteers and a good turnout from the church and the community. This year our kids learned about how Jesus comes to restore us to fellowship with God after the fall. He comes to

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The First Authorized Version

Even more than the Book of Common Prayer, no other book in the Anglican tradition has shaped the faith and culture of England and the rest of the Anglophone world more than the King James Version of the Bible. It remains to this day, even with dozens of new competing versions,

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